Note that modern plastic plumbing (specifically, the updated level
from Marist that is at least Sublevel 5 - August 25, 2002) has a TOD
conversion routine in specs:

Add C2T and T2C conversion routines to convert between
eight-byte binary TOD clock format and ISO timestamp.  A
timezone offset in seconds can be specified in parentheses;
specify a positive number east of Greenwich.  Specify * to use
the timezone offset that CP stores on diagnose 0.

This should be faster than using dateconv if you have to do a lot of

On 1/25/07, David Kreuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's good. I just tested with an open spool file and the time is accurate.
I wrote a q&d using pipe dateconvert with the TOD results from the locate, then 
closed the file, and the times matched up.

So the method is reasonably sound for getting the date opened from an open 
spool file.

Bruce Hayden
IBM Global Technology Services, System z Linux
Endicott, NY

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