> Has anyone been able to access the Microsoft Active Directory  from

The open-source LDAP client in OE is capable of browsing the AD tree
(remember, AD is just LDAP and Kerberos 5 with a lot of pretty makeup),
but the CMS Kerberos implementation is Kerberos 4 (and a really antique
version of that). You would need a Linux guest to run the K4 to K5
translator, at which point, you'd be better off to write a CMS agent and
implement the rest in Linux. If you went that route, then you could use
any PAM-based authentication method, including AD. 

> We would also need some other information that A
> ctive Directory possesses:
> the person's email address and person number.

If you know their LDAP DN, then you could probably get the other fields.
The problem will be getting the authentication in a reasonable way. I
think I have an idea how to do it if the Linux guest is an OK
intermediary...hmm. Let's discuss this offline. 

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