I would be very interested in tools to report on and prune the FCXTREND file. I
usually have to use xedit to separate this file by months. Any help would be

/Tom Kern

--- Eginhard Jaeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >As time marches on the size of our Performance Toolkit FCXTREND file
> >gets larger and larger.  I can't seem to figure out how to "trim" this
> >file, so that (perhaps) only a few weeks or months data is kept
> >(depending on the system's purpose).  How is that done?
> You can just remove the oldest part of the file by using
> - either COPYFILE with the 'FROM nn' option (means you temporarily
>    need disk space for both the original and the new file)
> - or XEDIT  (no additional disk space needed since the original file
>    can be erased before writing the pruned one back, but the original data
>    must fit into the machine's virtual storage).
> Since I no longer have access to 'my' VM systems I cannot provide an
> actual EXEC for doing it automatically, but the implementation is easy.
> However, the above methods are crude insofar as they don't distinguish
> between the different trend record types: one might want to delete the
> detail records for specific users and/or I/O devices after just a few weeks,
> but keep others a bit longer, and delete the records with summary system
> data only after several years. So I have since written an FCXTREND
> MODULE for a colleague who asked for such a facility. The module
> allows specifying the rules for deleting specific types of trend file 
> records
> in an FCONX TRDPRUNE control file.
> If you're interested I'll ask him to send you the package for testing, and
> if there's a general need it could also be made available on the download
> page. However, while I wouldn't mind maintaining the code, analyzing
> and fixing bugs without access to a z/VM system can be very tedious,
> so better assume you have to use it 'as is'.
> Eginhard Jaeger 

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