On Sunday, 03/11/2007 at 05:12 EST, Alain Benveniste 
> I agree that the best would be to buy a product but my client is deaf on
> this kind of purpose.

Alain, in my opinion it will cost you a lot of time and effort to 
research, build and support (!) your own solution and *should* be outside 
the scope of your contract with your client.  Your client is comparing the 
cost of a commercial product against "free".  Explain that there is no 
"free".  He can pay you or another consultant to build a custom solution, 
pay more for onging support, or he can pay for a commercial solution.  Or 
even buy more tape drives and ATLs.

If you do choose to build your own, don't forget that you must also figure 
out how to forcibly recover a tape drive that has been ASSIGNed to another 
system, but that system has died or become non-responsive.

To answer your question about Diagnose 0xD0, CP does not perform I/O to 
the tape drive - he just copies information the guest provides into the 
RDEV control block.  He will happily set the volser in the RDEV even if it 
is not the real volser that is mounted or if there is no tape loaded at 
all.  I think it is there just for EREP records and some messages.  Maybe 
QUERY <rdev> too.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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