We got 4 (straight off the surlpus pile) PCs and reinstalled Windows/XP a
PCOMM/3270. We have definitions for all sessions, approximately 15 differ
sessions, on each PC. We only use 3 or 4 definitions on any one PC with
sessions for the same LPAR or system separated on different PCs so if the
with z/OS's Master Console dies, the PC with the Alternate Console is sti
working at the other end of the table. 

/Tom Kern

On Mon, 12 Mar 2007 14:57:54 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>We are looking at replacing our Multiprise 2000 with a z9, and the issue

>of replacing the console terminals has come up.
>Currently, we have 3 3290 gas plasma terminals with 4 screens on each
>for our VSE guests, and a 3472 terminal for VM. We actually need the
>equivalent of 12 terminals sessions. We plan on using OSA-ICC for the
>new consoles. It does not look practical to stuff 12 17-inch LCD
>monitors into our console area. We experimented with multiple BlueZone
>terminal emulator sessions on a 37-inch LCD monitor, but the result was
>not very readable.
>What are other sites doing for consoles? Suggestions, caveats?

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