On Tuesday, 03/13/2007 at 10:41 CET, Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > z/VM 5.3 will provide simulation and virtualization support of zIIP 
> > zAAP engines for guest exploitation.  z/VM 5.3 does not itself exploit
> > these engines.
> And the guest who can use them will only run on real engines rather
> than IFL, so z/VM 5.3 would offer you a way to convert expensive
> cycles into cheap ones :-)   Not to pass a real zAAP straight to
> guests who know what to do with it without paying z/VM license for it.
> So that's something only for testing the function on z/OS ?

The simulation support is useful to determine what percentage of a z/OS 
workload would be placed on a zIIP or zAAP.  Once you find that you are 
running out of headroom, you may decide that a sufficiently large 
percentage of the z/OS cycles are running on zIIPs or zAAPs that you may 
decide the next CPU to add is a real zIPP/zAAP (or share the one we had.)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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