On 3/19/07, Kris Buelens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I guess that what you found is that VSE adheres to the old rules: it is
useless to send an I/O to a disk that is busy, so VSE queues. VM can't
change that.

In that case, it might help to give VSE its disk space in less than
full pack mini disks so that there are more virtual subchannels per GB
(only make sense if the workload in VSE is such that you would end up
with I/O spread over those smaller disks).

Minidisk cache can help or hurt VSE: CP's MDC will change the IO to make it
a fulltrack read.  So if you work sequentially, it will help. I you work
randomly the fulltrack read will probaly not help.  With high I/O rates it
will even hurt due to the larger data transfers.

For random I/O with small block size you might enjoy recordmdc but you
would need your data sufficiently grouped to do that. For full track
cache, you probably will not notice the larger data transfers if
you're on FICON, but there is also CPU cost associated with MDC, and
if you don't save I/O by MDC then spending CPU cycles and memory makes
less sense.

If the z800 has a lot of available memory (quite possible with one
z/VSE guest) then MDC could help reduce some I/O and maybe speed up
some things. Again, for this it could also help if you spread your
datasets over different mini disks. That way you can still read data
out of MDC while waiting for a write to complete.

Rob van der Heij
Velocity Software, Inc

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