I have a weird/flacky problem.  I'm looking for thoughts on directions I can 
take on this.

We have a MS/Access application that access DB2/VSE over a DRDA connection.  
The VSE that hosts the DB2 engine is connected to the network via VSWITCH and 
we go out to the "world" via an OSA card on the z/890.

There are two types of functions this application does, transactional and a 
monthly "batch" update.

We upgraded from z/VM 5.1 to z/VM 5.2 Service Level 0602 on January 13, 2007 
and apparently the "batch" update function stopped working at that time.

The user that does the "batch" processing was out on a medical leave so we 
didn't know there was a problem until she got back in late February.  And me, 
being very busy, made a lot of changes to VSE in those couple months.  So it 
has been very difficult to backtrack the VSE side to find where things broke.

Well, the broken part is not in VSE.  The broken production system STLESA2 also 
has a test system STLESA2F which is a flash copy of the origional system.  Only 
the IP address in the IPINIT00 CONFIG is different.  That system was flashed on 
February 23.  And the user has always been able to run the "batch" updates on 
this test system.  

Well, over the weekend, I backed up to take the STLESA2F system, and then 
flashed STLESA2 to STLESA2F and brought up STLESA2F.  Other than the IP 
address, they are both identical.  She can't do the "batch" updates on STLESA2 
but still can on STLESA2F.

So, the problem resides outside of VSE.

The users PC and software are obviously the same, so the problem must lie in 
the network, or rather some configuration item in the network that is different 
for STLESA2 vs STLESA2F.  And that is what I need help on.

1.  Is there any VM commands, other then Q VSWITCH that will show me some/all 
configuration items that may be set for a particular connection?

q vswitch detail                                                              
VSWITCH SYSTEM VSW1     Type: VSWITCH Connected: 8    Maxconn: INFINITE       
  PERSISTENT  RESTRICTED    PRIROUTER                 Accounting: OFF         
  VLAN Unaware                                                                
  State: Ready                                                                
  IPTimeout: 5         QueueStorage: 8                                        
  Portname: UNASSIGNED RDEV: 2000 Controller: DTCVSW2  VDEV:  2000            
  Portname: UNASSIGNED RDEV: 2003 Controller: DTCVSW2  VDEV:  2003 BACKUP     
    VSWITCH Connection:                                                       
      RX Packets: 2949792    Discarded: 120        Errors: 0                  
      TX Packets: 4208954    Discarded: 0          Errors: 0                  
      RX Bytes: 405358583            TX Bytes: 2002478169                     
      Device: 2002  Unit: 002   Role: DATA                                    
    Adapter Owner: STLESA2  NIC: 0800  Name: THD390           
      RX Packets: 105        Discarded: 0          Errors: 0  
      TX Packets: 112        Discarded: 0          Errors: 0  
      RX Bytes: 7338                 TX Bytes: 8080                        
      Device: 0802  Unit: 002   Role: DATA                                 
      Options: IPv4 VLAN                                                   
        Unicast IP Addresses:                                              
         MAC: 02-00-00-00-00-04                      
    Adapter Owner: STLESA2F NIC: 0800  Name: THD390                        
      RX Packets: 3329       Discarded: 0          Errors: 0               
      TX Packets: 9765       Discarded: 0          Errors: 0               
      RX Bytes: 786073               TX Bytes: 1160926                     
      Device: 0802  Unit: 002   Role: DATA                                 
      Options: IPv4 VLAN                                                   
        Unicast IP Addresses:                                              
         MAC: 02-00-00-00-00-07                      



The controllers don't specify anything for a particular machine:

BTW, what we see on the console when the "batch" update fails is the IP 
disconnect message:

But buffer length can be different values but seem to always be between 2000 
and 3500.

Right now, I've pretty well cleared DB2/VSE and VSE/ESA 2.7 as being the 
problem.  The only other change in the "communication" path was the z/VM 
update.  That is my current target.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

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