
        I am a ZOS system programmer, so I am a beginner in VM and Linux.

        I had to install a ZVM and Linux  for testing.

        I need some help for the following. 

        I need for our test a comunication between LInux Zlinux and  ZOS. 
I know the definitions in ZOS.  But what I can't find are samples for 
Linux and
        VM for the following

        In Linux we have a Comunication SErver it is seen by ZOS as a PU 
2.1 with 6 independent lus (LU 6.2).  The comunication  path is (more or 

                Comunicactions Server(PU 2.1) -> ZLINUX -> VM -> 
OSA-NON-QDIO  ----------  LAN --------  OSA-NON-QDIO -> vtam -> CICS

        I know the definitions in the right (ZOS), but I don´t in the 

        I know I have to customice the MACs in the OSA-NON-QDIO.   I don´t 
know what I have to configure in VM and in ZLINUX 

        ZLINUX is a virtual machine in VM 

        I couldn't find any sample. I started installing 1 week ago. The 
TCPIP part goes well, and I connect to Linux with PUTTY an so on, but now 
        I need help.

        Any help woul be apreciate.

        Thanks a lot in advance.

        Here it is 20:00 so I go home, I'll read your answers tomorrow. 

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