Thanks Dave

About 5X is about what I was expecting.  Doable..

I have a Linux guest as a GPG encryption server.  So far, low volume (a few 
I ftp a file to be encrypted from VSE to zLinux, and then do a REXEC to start 
the process.

Linux encrypts the data based on the "type" passed by REXEC.
When done, it then ftp the data to the selected remote site over the public 

Obviously, those that are doing tapes have a greater load.  I wanted to get a 
feel on how my process, scales up to offsite tapes.

One of the negatives for this, is the disaster recovery requirement then has to 
include my zLinux GPG machine in order to reverse the process.

Encrypting tape drives are the preferred solution. 
But that is another day, another dollar (or tens of thousand dollars).

Software encryption will get me by for now.

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

>>> Dave Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/13/2007 12:23 PM >>>
Hi, Tom.

Tom Duerbusch wrote:
> On a side tangent.
> At WAVV, one of the speakers said you never want to do software
> encryption.  The performance impact will eat you up.
> Of course, I disagree.

As do I.......

> In my book, it all depends on how much you want to encrypt. I'll do
> it with spare cycles now, and pay for a hardware solution when there
> is a payback. Your mileage and experiences may differ.
> So, when you do software encryption (such as for DDR), how much more
> processor time do you see?  (over a standard DDR disk to tape) 
> Double?  Tripple?  10X?

It depends (tm, B. Bitner....) on the encryption algorithm you choose to 
use (DES, TDES, AES, etc.), whither chaining is used or not, how well 
the algorithm was coded (in assembler?, a HLL?), and whither or not the 
the actual hardware support the new cipher instructions (KM, KMC) IBM 
makes available for the new zSeries boxes, and the encryption software 
takes advanced of them.

The variations I have sen to date are in the range of 3x to 5x more 
processing needed for software over hardware....your mileage will vary, 
of course.

> Tom Duerbusch THD Consulting


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