> As the Mythbusters like to say, "Busted." The firewall guys tell us
that there is not a 
> single firewall between point A (VM) and point B (MVS).

OK, scratch that. Pretty much eliminates that theory, then. 

> Tracerte is not very helpful, either. It seems to confirm what the
firewall guys said.

Yup, although firewalls are usually a layer 2 device, so won't always
show up in traceroute. I was looking for whether the traffic might have
been going somewhere unexpected that did pass through a firewall. Looks
like it's not. 

> What is the difference between the NJE keepalive and the RSCS
> We have tried both =yes and =no to no effect. 

Same thing. Since the RSCS keepalive essentially does a simple NJE
transaction periodically, and it doesn't look like a normal TCP

I'm almost tempted to ship you a copy of our NJE Bridge and see if it's
an implementation-dependent thing. That would at least identify which
implementation is doing something weird. 

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