
The statement you're looking for is TCBPOOLSIZE.  It defaults to 256.

Miguel Delapaz
z/VM TCP/IP Development

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 06/22/2007
07:50:43 AM:

> Hello.
> We are running z/VM 4.4 and since initial installation no problem arises.
> This week, we started to receive following messages:
> DTCUTI002E TCP/IP is low on TCBs. Of 256 blocks, 24 are free. You
> should monitor this.
> DTCUTI002E TCP/IP was very low on TCP connections. Of 341 blocks, 85
> are free after 85 more allocated.
> DTCUTI002E TCP/IP was very low on TCP connections. Of 285 blocks, 41
> are free after 85 more allocated.
> These messages occur with differences of some days. In TCPIP PROFILE
> file we have only SMALLDATABUFFERPOOLSIZE 150 included. All others
> buffers are default values.
> What other buffer(s) I should modify (define) to solve this problem.
> Our network has about 300 to 350 at peak moment.
> Thanks for now!
> Carlos

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