Hi Dave,


Is it possible that 01A6, 01A4, 01A2 and 01B5 are links to other
minidisks owned by DFSMS?




-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of KEETON Dave * OR SDC
Sent: August 7, 2007 13:27
Subject: DFSMS/VM


Hi folks,

        I'm going through the Program Directory for DFSMS/VM FL221 and
prepping the system for the installation. I've created the directory
entries as I believe they should be, but I'm a little confused by a
couple of things.

When logging in with the newly created DFSMS user, I get the following


HCPLNM103E DASD 019D forced R/O; R/W by MAINT, R/O by    18 users

HCPLNM102E DASD 051D forced R/O; R/W by MAINT

HCPLNM102E DASD 01A6 forced R/O; R/W by DFSMS

HCPLNM102E DASD 01A4 forced R/O; R/W by DFSMS

HCPLNM102E DASD 01A2 forced R/O; R/W by DFSMS

HCPLNM102E DASD 01B5 forced R/O; R/W by DFSMS

I don't understand why the links are being forced as read-only. In the
USER DIRECT file they are using MR in the LINK statements. The program
directory instructs you to format all the mini-disks prior to
installation, but I can't seem to get that to work either. Does it need
to be done prior to logging on as DFSMS?

Also, as part of the PLANINFO file, I'm told the following:


SIZE:           300

BLKSIZE:        4K

I'm not sure what to do with this piece of info.

The VMFINS prerequisite checking indicated everything is okay, though I
don't have the ISPF component installed as near as I can tell (logging
on as DFSMS user generated an error about ISPVM; the user entry doesn't

Thank for any assistance you can provide. I'm still pretty green with

Dave Keeton

z/VM Systems Programmer &

Linux Systems Administrator

Enterprise Systems Group

Oregon State Data Center

530 Airport Road SE

Salem, OR  97301

Office: (503) 373-0832

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