It's time to remove that requirement IBM.
Let it be on a minidisk by default (or if too hard, make minidisk the
only option).

I've answered a whole lot of questions in the past 18 months from my new
to VM'ers here.  It's not obvious to them for sure.

You have 3 service machines each with 6 or 8 minidisks to support a
couple of files for RMSMASTER/DFSMS.  There's not even anyone doing any
actually "SHARE"ing of the stuff because you can't share VM* filepools
across systems.

Backups are complex.  A true valid backup of it requires another product
that understands the SFS or you use DDR but really should have the thing
down in order to back it up.

Upgrades of VM require a few more steps. Which VMSERV* machine do I
keep?  If I take the one on the new install volume, how do I get DFSMS's
stuff over there??  Just too many steps to remember/forget/relookup
(darn, why aren't those tapes mounting now that we upgraded).

I shouldn't complain --- at least it's better than the sun stk silo....
Thankfully you don't require someone to figure out where the cent sign
on a 3270 emulated terminal is in order to open the door (hello, door
open button?)!  Or shared DASD with z/OS! (or any different HW path to
communicate with the darn thing)

Let it go.  It was done in hopes that customers would glom on to SFS in
a big way if pushed a little.  Never mind that now...  Give us a
minidisk :)  (300 blk no less, like what 2 cylinder???).  No one has
time to mess with that when are trying to get Linux and WAS and all that
stuff figured out.


Marcy Cortes 
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-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: [IBMVM] DFSMS/VM

>You don't need DirMaint or ISPF for the RMS component of DFSMS.  You do

>need to put the control files in SFS, unless you're willing to modify 
>the code to use a minidisk.  Some of the code is in REXX, but some 
>isn't, so I don't know if it's even possible to change it to use a 

RMS requires the control file to be in a specific SFS, and the work
directory to also be SFS however you can control where that one is.
It is not possible to change the source to point to minidisks, it is
engulfed in the RMS code.

To use just RMS (and VGS) of DFSMS, you do not need any other product.
DirMaint, ISPF, and C are not required.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

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