There is an MDISKPW option on IFCONFIG.  Or, you could add OPTION LNKNOPASS
to TCPIP's direntory entry (or install an ESM like RACF to make passwords

2007/8/13, Fred Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> ifconfig -tcp tcpip2 osab2 down
> DTCIFC2654E TCPIP2 is unable to link to your 191 minidisk which is
> DTCIFC2654E currently accessed as file mode A
> Is there a cleaner way of giving this access than changing the user's
> password in USER DIRECT for MDISK 191 to ALL or updating TCPIP's PROFILE
> EXEC to VMLINK to the 191 minidisk of all users allowed to run the IFCONFIG
> commands?
> Regards,
> Fred Schmidt
> Department of Corporate and Information Services (DCIS)
> Data Centre Services (DCS)
> Northern Territory Government, Australia

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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