On Wednesday, 09/12/2007 at 02:07 EDT, Mike Walter 

> Even though the quotes "news" above specifically reports changes to the 
> Registration Tool", I called the 800 number to ask if a user can still 
> their "IBMLink VM" (a new term from IBM!) password after October 31, 
2007 in 
> light of the statement "* No changes can be made to your company or 
users on 
> the VM side.").  From the "VM Registration Tool" heading one could 
presume that 
> everything else including password changes should still work.  But given 
> frequent errors/misunderstandings regarding pretty much everything to do 
> "IBMLink VM", I simply want to be prepared.  The gentleman I spoke with 
had a 
> heavy Indian accept and asked multiple unrelated questions, but as best 
I could 
> tell users will still be able to change their own passwords.  I won't be 
> surprised if his reply and reality don't mesh after October 31.  Time 
> tell... 

I confirmed with IBMLink Powers That Be that, yes, you will still be able 
to change your VM password.  You just won't be able to change any of the 
VM registrations or their entitlements.

[And while they say "IBMLINK VM", we all know that's just "VMLINK IBM" 
spelled sideways, sort of.  At least it's a valid CMS command....  ;-)  ]

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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