On Tue, 4 Sep 2007 17:54:35 -0600, Roger Bolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Sorry to be late noticing your post.  Could the answer to your original
>question have been the H2S package available on the
>The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on
>08/28/2007 02:06:50 AM:
>> A short while ago I asked if there was any VM tool to convert HTML
>> source into print format.

Charlotte can format HTML for a 3270 screen. Charlotte is avaialble from 

the VM Download page <http://www.vm.ibm.com/download/packages/descript.cg
CHARLOTT>. Note that there is no E in CHARLOTT. I imagine the code could 

be modified to format for print.

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