I can't really address Robert Nix's question. I'd be leery of trying it without doing a SPXTAPE dump, however.

The question that Tom raised however referring to changing the order in the CP owned list of a spool volume cannot be done without dumping and reloading the spool. This is because each CP owned volume has a number in the CP owned list and if the "n'th" volume, which happens to contain SPOOL space all of a sudden becomes "n'th+1" volume, you've just lost what "was" on the volume.

Spool files are addressed as  volume_number,  cyl, track, record.


Tom Duerbusch wrote:
The thing I would be concerned about, is changing the order of the
CPOWNED volumes.

In this case, you are not.
But, is there some requirement of keeping the spool volumes in the same
In other words, if PACK03 will now contain spool files, what would
happen if the cpowned list shows:
But your spool files were on:

Would inserting the spool volume happen at the end of the spool list? In middle of the spool list? Or who cares?

And which would end up cold starting the spool areas?

I think you have a right to be concerned.  I would offload my spool
before doing such a thing.  But I have good access to tape.

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

FELINE PHYSICS: Law of Cat Motion

  A cat will move in a straight line, unless there is a really good
  reason to change direction.

RPN01 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 9/19/2007 1:29 PM >>>
I think I asked this once, but didn¹t get an answer....

The 5.3 install allowed me to format page and spool as 3390 mod 9
(10017 cylinders). But in fact, I was using 3390 mod 27 disks (32760
cylinders). If I go into the devices with ICKDSF and change the
cylinders to PAGE and SPOL, I¹m fairly sure nothing bad will happen to
page volume, but will the spool volume remain intact? Or will I be
cold-starting and rebuilding my SDF files?

Do I need to back everything up (requiring tape, which is scarce here),
can I get away with just doing it?

Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(607) 255-1760

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