I think my auditors and cyber/network security folks would like to make sure that I had to make a conscious effort to set the userids into either an ENABLE or DISABLE state. They don't like default passwords. In VM, we sort of have sub-categories for ENABLE, these being AUTOONLY, LBYONLY or password-protected. I would not like having ALL userids placed in NOLOG as part of the installation, but I would not mind being FORCED to pick and choose.

If during that dialog, I as the install decide to set silly default password, then 'my gun, my foot, etc'. But I could lock them down tighter that the default and then it would be 'my gun, intruder foot, etc'.

I don't think IBM will go as far as swallowing DIRMAINT and RACF into the base product so that we don't have the hassle and expense of licensing them separately, so you don't have to worry about points 2 or 3.

/Tom Kern

Ed Zell wrote:
Understand that if we were to go this way, the Old School "let
the customer decide" wouldn't be there.  So I would ask that
those who would object to such a change to speak up.

A couple of thoughts:

1)  I don't view it as a big deal to change all the passwords
    upon initial install.  It takes a few minutes using XEDIT
and then I am done until the next install.
2)  Not everyone uses a directory management product such as
    DIRMAINT.  Some of us smaller shops still just edit the
source directory and would want to continue to do so.
3)  Not everyone uses an ESM.  Please keep that in mind when
    making changes to how the VM installation process works.

4)  I don't think I like the idea of all system user id's being
    AUTOONLY/LBYONLY/NOLOG.  I think this should be a decision
    that the person installing the system would make.

Ed Zell
Illinois Mutual Life
(309) 674-8255 x-107

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