On Tuesday, 10/09/2007 at 04:05 EDT, Tom Duerbusch 
> Does it have the microcode with it?

The Licensed Internal Code (LIC) has its own license, but it is "part of" 
the box.

> Well, right now it does, but should it?
> Is the microcode, which is licensed by IBM, licensed to the box, or to 
> customer?
> Is it transferable?

Under the conditions detailed in your "IBM Agreement for Licensed Code", 
yes.  It describes your obligations in that transfer.

> All the internal dasd was formatted over.


> Should the OS/2 dasd been formatted over also?

No.  If you do that, the machine won't work very well.  I think the person 
you sell it to will not be happy that you just sold him or her a box of 
spare parts.  :-)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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