Can't you use the return code from your CP QUERY? 0 = logged on, 3 = not in
directory, 45 = in directory but not logged on...  

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Dave Hansen
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 9:16 AM
Subject: How can I find if a user is defined in the directory (without


   I have an EXEC that I wish to use to TRANS the console files from another
userid for a given period of time.  I would like to check if the userid
given the EXEC actually exists.
   I looked at the CMS QUERY which does stack the results, but userid is not
part of the CMS query.   The CP Query does let me know about the user,
but doesn't stack the results.
   The CP MSG (and SMSG) & IND USER don't care about the userid, and an
invalid userid is always NOT LOGGED ON.
    It looks like I almost need to spool and close my console to get the
results of my CP Query.  I suppose I could just issue the TRANS against an
invalid userid and let it fail.
    Any thoughts from the group?

      Thank you,  Dave Hansen
                              Sr. Systems Programmer
                              Hennepin County

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