I am installing 5.3 second level and everything is fine as I go through the
Automated Installation manual.
I skipped the part about Migration, I'd rather do it on my own.
Chapter 13: Preinstalled Licensed Products directs me to Chapter 6 of the
Dirmaint Program Directory.
Finally it says to do this command: SERVICE DIRM ENABLE.
Then I get this message:
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started

VMFINS2767I Reading VMFINS DEFAULTS B for additional options

VMFINS2760I VMFINS processing started

VMFINS2600E There are no products to be enabled for PROD 5VMDIR30 DIRM

VMFINS2760I VMFINS processing completed unsuccessfully

VMFSRV1965E The command, VMFINS ENABLE, failed with return code 8 when
            with the argument(s): PROD 5VMDIR30 DIRM ( SYSTEM VM

VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed unsuccessfully

Ready(00100); T=0.50/0.54 10:10:31

Anyone else run into this?


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