   Unless there was something else out there (a poster or whatever), that
would have been me doing a riff in my VM Performance classes, first for
Amdahl, then for Velocity.  Your buddy's time frame is about right (15 years
ago).  I was attempting to emphasize the impact of an RPS miss (show of
hands: who remembers what that was?) on response time.

   The riff started by me "complaining" that I didn't have a good intuitive
grasp of how fast CPUs were (tens of nanosecond cycle times at that point),
so "let's slow down our timeframe and say a CPU cycle is one second.  Then a
page fault from Xstore is satisfied in [nn minutes], a DASD I/O satisfied
from cache takes [mm hours] and one that has to go to the real disk takes
[kk days].  An RPS miss adds [I think it was 16 hours] to that."

   Alas, a quick search of my notes didn't turn up a copy of the discussion,
so I can't fill in the blanks.  Perhaps someone who took one of the classes
and wrote it down....

Martin Zimelis


> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Phil Smith III
> Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 1:48 PM
> Subject: Poster of computer hardware events?
> A buddy asked me:
> "At a previous employer, someone had an article, poster or 
> something (I know - real specific - it was 15+ years ago) 
> that tried to put the time for computer events into 
> perspective. It started with the quickest instruction (RR) 
> having a baseline of 1 second. It the proceeded to go through 
> all of the instructions, RX, RS, SS etc. and then into I/O, 
> MIH and so on. Have you ever heard or seen anything like 
> this? I'm having trouble stressing the importance of poor I/O 
> response time and I thought this might be of use."
> I had to tell him I hadn't ever seen such a thing, but would 
> like to.  I figure if anyone else alive knows what this 
> is/was, they'll be on one of these two lists...!
> Anyone?
> -- 
> ...phsiii
> Phil Smith III
> Velocity Software
> (703) 476-4511 (home office)
> (703) 568-6662 (cell)

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