Jim is away in Texas and I'm here minding the shop. (Though he seems to be reading email, so I won't be surprised if he chimes in.)

I checked the 140CMDS DATADVH and 150CMDS DATADVH files on the DIRMAINT 11F minidisk on our test VM LPAR which has DirMaint at the z/VM 5.3 level. These two files had mostly Y's in column 35 for the various commands, indicating that a password was required. In production (where we don't need to specify passwords) these two files have all N's in column 35.

So I edited the files to specify N's in column 35, and restarted DIRMAINT. Voila! No passwords required.

This is without doing anything with GLOBALV on the client side. I checked my GLOBALV files and didn't find NEEDPASS anywhere.

Just to be sure I also checked the <http://publibz.boulder.ibm.com/cgi-bin/bookmgr_OS390/BOOKS/hcsl3b21/9.43>z/VM 5.3 DirMaint<http://publibz.boulder.ibm.com/cgi-bin/bookmgr_OS390/BOOKS/hcsl3b21/9.43> Tailoring and Administration Guide. NEEDPASS is defined in Table 42 as a LASTING GLOBALV variable in pool DVH15 for possible use by DVHCX* and DVHPX* exits in the user's virtual machine (client side). There's no mention of the NEEDPASS global variable being used by anything other than being available for use by these exits.

Mark Bodenstein  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Cornell University

At 10:57 AM 11/12/2007, Alan Altmark wrote:
On Monday, 11/12/2007 at 08:19 EST, Phil Smith III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "A. Harry Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >No, he's talking about
> OK, I must have misunderstood part of the thread then.  This is the
setting I
> was referring to which, as your post goes on to note, doesn't work if
> SOLELY on the client, because the server still wants a password.

So, from the discussion here, I'm getting the idea that even though
NEEDPASS NO is remaining set on the client side, upgrading the DIRMAINT
server somehow causes it to forget its setting for that same client.  And
that necessitates yet another NEEDPASS NO.

Do I have that right?

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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