Phil, the best source of current PUIPE documentation is the so-called "Author's Edition" of the documentation. You can find a current copy here:

Look for the section entitled "CMS/TSO Pipelines Author's Edition".

Good luck.

yes, nora is correct - that is the manipulation that i need.

i have used PIPEs to convert all the | to ¦ to help in reading the pipeline

i understand the literal stage, but the SPECS seems to not be complete with a stage separator before it is complete.
should it be:
| SPECS FS ¦ Field 2 | a: etc.
also, i don't find anything in the manual about 'print a*'
can you explain that part of the pipe?

Now it is a piece of cake:
PIPE Literal ||1234.56|| | Specs FS || a: F2 . Print a*10000000 PIC 99999999999999 1
 | cons

2007/11/15, Graves Nora E < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I can answer the COBOL part, anyway. :-)
He needs a resulting field that will appear this way for each example:
0             00000000000000
1             00000010000000
12            00000120000000
123.4         00001234000000
1234.56       00012345600000


Phillip Gramly
Systems Programmer
Communications Data Group
Champaign, IL


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