
I have modified the SYSPROF EXEC to execute SYSEXIT EXEC on the IFL.  
This set up is working on the general engine, so I am puzzled as to why this
problem is occurring on the IFL...

If batch = 'no'          /*If this is not batch machine      */
  Then Do           /*Handle first command, and PROFILE EXEC */
    If gotfirst = 'yes'  /*Was a first command entered?      */
      Then Push usr_cmd  /*Yes, execute command after profile*/
    If noprof = 'no'      /*Should we look for PROFILE EXEC? */
      Then Do             /*Look on first disk we accessed   */
        'EXEC SYSEXIT'    /*Site specific data           (cd)*/
        'ESTATE PROFILE EXEC ' mdisk_mode                      

/* SYSEXIT EXEC                                                   */
'CP LINK MAINT 31A 131A RR'        /* Get the local programs disk */   
'ACCESS 131A X/X'                                                      
'EXEC ALLUSERS'                   /* Call EXEC with local commands */ 

When I go to execute SYSEXIT from a logged on userid:
DASD 131A LINKED R/O; R/W BY MAINT                                    
DMSACC724I 131A replaces X (131A)                                     
DMSACP723I X (131A) R/O                                               
/* This exec contains commands to be invoked for all users at logon */
DMSOPN062E Invalid character / in fileid /* MODULE                    
+++ R(-0004) +++                                                      
/* time just before the PROFILE EXEC executes It is called via the */ 
DMSOPN062E Invalid character / in fileid /* MODULE                    
+++ R(-0004) +++                                                      
/* SYSEXIT EXEC out of the SYSPROF EXEC. */                           
DMSOPN062E Invalid character / in fileid /* MODULE                    
+++ R(-0004) +++                                                      
'CP LINK MAINT 319 1319 RR' /* Get the program products disk */       
DMSOPN062E Invalid character ' in fileid 'CP MODULE                   
+++ R(-0004) +++                                                      
'ACCESS 1319 P/P'                                                     
DMSOPN062E Invalid character ' in fileid 'ACCESS MODULE               
+++ R(-0004) +++                                                      
DMSOPN062E Invalid character ' in fileid 'VMFCLEA MODULE              
+++ R(-0004) +++                                     
'TYPE LOGON MESSAGE X'                               
DMSOPN062E Invalid character ' in fileid 'TYPE MODULE
+++ R(-0004) +++                                     
'Q LOG'                                              
DMSOPN062E Invalid character ' in fileid 'Q MODULE   
+++ R(-0004) +++                                     
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 11:33:59                          

At first I thought it was because I had changed SYSPROF EXEC and it was
stored in one of the shared segments.  I resaved all of the shared segments
on the IFL, but this problem continues.

Hopefully someone one can provide some insite into this problem.

Thank you.

Cecelia Dusha

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