Congrats Mike!

Our system has been almost as stable over the last 10 years....   Only 44
minutes of unscheduled downtime that was 'a VM problem' and another 135
minutes (3 incidents) due to VM abends (one of which was an extended outage
because of confusion... :-)  We had 3 full years of 0 unscheduled downtime
for VM in that 10 years!

VM definitely ROCKS!!

Christine Brogan - TPF/VM Systems Support
Information Technology Services Americas
Phone:  623-505-5366, Cell: 623-512-5883, IBM tieline 273-4647

             Mike Walter                                               
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
   >                                                    To
             Sent by: The IBM          IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU         
             z/VM Operating                                             cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Subject
             ARK.EDU>                  10 years without an unscheduled VM
                                       system outage!                  
             12/21/2007 09:27                                          
             Please respond to                                         
               The IBM z/VM                                            
             Operating System                                          
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         

Just sharing what I believe should be a reason for the IBM VM Development
Lab in Endicott to celebrate.

At 14:10:02 on 05 December 2007 our z/VM system running a CMS workload
reached 10 years without a single unscheduled system outage due to a CP

Eight of those years were on VM/ESA (VM/ESA 121, 230, and 240) until
December 31, 2005 when we belatedly upgraded to z/VM 5.1.  With VM/ESA so
utterly stable and reliable we had no reason to "hurry" through multiple
z/VM upgrades.  :-)

We did experience a self-inflicted wound which I deeply regret since it
creates an "exemption" on an otherwise untarnished record.  On December 30,
2005  while preparing for the upcoming weekend migration from ESA 240 to
z/VM 510, I accidentally caused the production ESA 240 spool volume to be
mounted read-write on the z/VM 510 test system.  Multiple production NSSes
were written over (including CMS).  We quickly shut down the z/VM 510 test
system, restored the NSSes, and scheduled an emergency IPL (note:
"**scheduled**").  During that scheduled emergency outage window, we took
that single ABEND, a FRE016.  But... the ABEND occurred during the
**scheduled** emergency outage window (the "exemption" mentioned above),
and most importantly, it was not due to an IBM error.

Ten years faithful service, uninterrupted by a single unscheduled CP ABEND
is worthy of note in my book!  (Having the luxury to do so, we do schedule
a weekly Sunday-evening IPL on that system).

Looking back on the year, and through history, does anyone else have great
experiences to share (or "SHARE")?

For that matter, does anyone know of z/OS sysplexes which have managed to
avoid an unscheduled complete sysplex outage for anywhere near 10 years?

Merry Christmas, and a very prosperous, and **stable** Happy New Year to
all of you, too!

Mike Walter
Hewitt Associates
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