still not home on this.

didn't know about ATTACH with MULTIUSER - thanks Les.

so, i added this line:
'CP ATT' tape_addr 'TO * AS 181 MULTIUSER'

the tape_addr variable is read with Parse ARG b/c the operator uses
xautolog bkupsdf "#exec cuu

now after the 'DFSMSRM MOUNT VOLUME' ... command
i added :

'WAITDEV 181'   -- didn't work - it just sits there after RMSMASTR 
'WAITDEV' tape_addr  -- to wait on the real address -- didn't work either.
'WAITDEV TAP1'  -- since i can't find any doc on WAITDEV, altho i did find 
the MODULE -
didn't work. hmmm...

what is missing here? are there more options for WAITDEV?


Phillip Gramly
Systems Programmer
Communications Data Group
Champaign, IL

> > I borrowed a module from the current TCPMAINT 592 disk to do the wait 
> for a
> > specific device, in this case TAP1. The "WAITDEV TAP1" command works 
> just
> > fine to wait for a drive to be attached to the server at address 0181. 

> This
> > works for external 3490's, VTS virtual 3490's and ATL 3590's. Chuckie 
> may
> > disaprove of using a working piece of code to solve a problem, but we 
> will
> > worry about Chuckie IF it ever breaks.
> There's nothing bad about WAITDEV.  When a device is attached the 
> machine will receive a machine check interrupt, telling CMS that a 
> has been added to the configuration (channel report word).  ALSO, an 
> unsolicited Device End will be generated on the vaddr itself, indicating 
> not-read-to-ready transition of the device.  Same as when you turn on a 
> 3270 or hit the test/normal switch.
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM Development
> IBM Endicott

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