On Feb 4, 2008 9:33 PM, Schuh, Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is not that I want to test the site, it is that a committee has
> specified that the same tool be used for all platforms. This was
> chiseled in granite before anyone associated with a mainframe even heard
> that it was being considered. Now that the edict has been made, rules is
> rules.

Probably the vendor will be able to confirm they have no clue about VM
and the committee that selected this tool will be conclude that you're
excused. And that would be the end of the story.

Been there. I invested quite some time to explain why it was
outrageous that we had to install an of an extra version of Java on
each Linux server, just to run the selected security scanner. I
thought my case was pretty strong when we found the product caused a
security risk rather than fix one. The product specialist then
explained the product was supported on Linux for zSeries but not for
Linux on z/VM. Obviously the man had no clue what he was talking
about, but it fit the bill.


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