On Thu, 7 Feb 2008 09:15:59 -0600, Bob Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Is there any way to preserve file date & time when I ftp from one z/
VM to
>another z/VM?

I would not use VMARC since you have to go somewhere to download it. A
needless dependency. There is already a perfectly good tool on every VM
system for doing the wrapping to an envelope and preserving dates.  Since

this is a VM to VM situation that Bob posted about, I would say just go
ahead and use VMFPLCD (note "D", not "2").

vmfplcd dump fn ft env= my evelope a
(use wildcards if you want. See HELP VMFPLCD)
(copyfile pack it if you want)
FTP envelope file to target CMS
(copyfile unpack if you packed it)
vmfpld load * * env= my envelope

Mission accomplished without the dependency on a potentially unavailable
VMARC program.  This still does not address the issue that something has 
extract the file(s) from the envelope on the receiving end.

Now, you may get the old "VMFxxxx utilities are just intended for IBM's u
argument. That would seem weak in the face of an external dependency,
particularly if it works.
Gary Eheman
Fundamental Software, Inc.

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