> Sift/UFT is another node-to-node transfer mechanism
> that leaves the object in the target rdr in a NETDATA format
> so it can be received with proper recfm/lrecl/datestamp.

What Tom said.
I don't know the IBM implementation of UFT in VM TCP/IP well,
but I believe it does have a client (SENDFILE) and a server (UFTD).

The older UFTD could easily be listed in SYSTEM NETID
or would even go so far (if priv'd) to fake file origin as RSCS.

Barring direct UFT availability (no UFTD on the receiving end),
SENDFILE allows "ASYNC", but that still requires special queueing
on the sending end.  I don't believe the original functionality
is there (to send a file in NETDATA format as a MIME attachment).
May have to dig-up some of the old code.

-- R;   <><

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