Webshare ... wow ... that goes back a way!

When using FILELISTs, you can code magical things like  "*CGI".  For lack of
a better term, let's call that a trigger filetype.  But when running purely
from SFS, Webshare internally creates FILELIST streams, so the only
filetypes you get are a real filetypes (undoctored LISTFILE output), not a
trigger filetype.

Recollection is fuzzy, but I believe you can have CGIs and SFS hierarchy
handled by the same HTTPD v-machine, you just cannot have CGIs living in an
SFS-defined-only kind of space.  For CGIs to be executed instead of served
out (like plain files), they must reside on an ACCESSed disk or in an
ACCESSed SFS directory and be listed in a hand-crafted FILELIST.

If you can think of a way around this, you should code it and contribute
it.   :-)

On Feb 19, 2008 6:04 AM, Berry van Sleeuwen <

> Hello list,
> I have been playing a bit with the Webshare package from Rick Troth. It
> has been succesfull so far but now I ran into a problem running CGI
> scripts.
> My webserver machine, HTTPD, is an SFS only machine. (IPL CMS PARM
> I started with all files in the root of the HTTPD machine. This works as
> it should, filelists are ok and also the CGI processing is working fine.
> HTBIN FILELIST is available, the CGI files in there are listed as *CGI to
> enable execution of the script, and cgi-bin points to HTBIN so I can run
> CGI like /cgi-bin/CMSHELP. I can get the CMSHELP in my webbrowser. No
> problem there.
> Now I have setup the server to use the .webshare directory and moved the
> webfiles into .webshare and subdirectories (like .webshare.vminfo
> and .webshare.htbin). This way we do not have to use the FILELIST files
> anymore. It makes adding files and directories much easier. I can access
> the regular webpages (home.html, vminfo.html etc). But a CGI is not
> executed. I've tried several ways but so far I was not able to get the CG
> I
> to run. I guess some configuration has to be set to be able to run CGI in
> an SFS based structure the same way as it does in a single disk
> configuration. How can I get the webserver to run an CGI exec instead of
> sending me the file itself?
> TIA.
> Kind regards, Berry.

-- R;   <><

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