I just put on RSU703 last week and at some point (don't remember--the memory is said to be the 2nd thing to go), I had a new CPLOAD MODULE and MAP on the MAINT 493 disk and the CPLOAD MODULE on the 2nd PARM disk. I used the black box SERVICE exec and then PUT2PROD. I think the above was the case after SERVICE and before PUT2PROD. See what's on the 2nd PARM disk.

Stephen Frazier wrote:
You didn't move the new CPMODULE to the PARM disk you loaded from. The CPMODULE was generated on September 18, 2007. As you claim to have recently installed RSU0703 you either didn't generate a new CPMODULE or you didn't move it to your PARM disk or you IPLed from an old PARM disk.

Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(607) 255-1760

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