DIRENT can indeed grab the whole CP directory.  I would pass the old
CP dir and the copy obtained with DIRENT to DIRMAP and compare both
More practical:
- Get my DRM PACKAGE from VM's download lib
- Issue DRM old-cp DIRECT, press PF16
  this creates and shows you "fn MDISKMAP"
  Press PF4, this removes headers from the MDISKMAP and places
  the volser on every record.  FILE this cleaned MDISKMAP
- Do the same steps for the DIRENT copy of the CP directory.
Then compare both MDISKMAPs with your usual compare tool (maybe look
at COMPAIR from VM's download lib).

To compare non-MDISK statements of both directories: DRM contains a
tool that can help: DIRFLAT.  DIRFLAT makes a single record for each
userid, it resolves the INCLUDEd profiles.  Running DIRFLAT against
both source directories could help.
Another way: Detach the 123, create a TDISK as 123 of a few cylinders,
be sure the 123 is the T-disk, not the resident...
Use ICKDSF to format it and allocate it as DRCT, as label give it the
same as your current sysres,
   cpvol format unit(123) nvfy volid(VTERES) type(DRCT,1,3)
run DIRECTXA to create an object directory based on the old CP
directory (DIRECTXA should end with rc 5 as CP will not activate it),
then run DIRENT to grab the just written object directory.  Now
compare both directories obtained with DIRENT.

2008/3/10, Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 10:26 AM, Franz Josef Pohlen
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  I have formatted the MAINT 191 disk with the user direct by accident. I 
> have restored it from a backup which is one week old. I assume I have done 
> all the changes to the user direct since then. Is there a way to list the 
> currently installed directory for comparing with the source? I have zvm 5.3 
> but no dirmaint active.
> There's a DIRENT package on the VM Download page that can pull a user
>  entry from storage. It probably can also extract all directory entries
>  for you, but any smart things like profiles would be lost.
>  If you think that most of your changes were mini disks, it might be
>  practical to use Q MDISK USER ... DIR  and compare. A bit of plumbing
>  would for that would not be too hard...
>  Rob
> --
>  Rob van der Heij
>  Velocity Software, Inc
>  http://velocitysoftware.com/

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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