folks ...

I don't see anywhere in the programming guide where DIAG 250 does and does
not work in terms of the whole disk.  Clearly, the range of blocks to be
worked in a single D250 call must be standard sizes (eg: all 4K or all 512
or some such).  But does the disk itself have to be formatted entirely with
blocks the same size?  Can you still use DIAG 250 on a disk with 4K blocks
in one area even though another area has a different blocksize?

Is there an impact to MDC from mixed blocksizes?

I confess, this is a Linux question, and I will be asking on that list too.
(Because I think there may be a driver issue within Linux.)  For a lot of
things, we need to use DIAG 250, especially for EDEV.  But I've got a fresh
installation of SLES10 and when I flag my 3390s for DIAG (supposedly meaning
250) they keep reverting back to DIAG disabled.  These 3390s are CDL
formatted, which means they have a z/OS label at the start which is  *not*
blocked at 4K like the rest of the disk.  (I have not tried throwing "LDL"
or all 4K disks at this Linux guest.)


-- R; <><

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