Still wouldn't be enough in the sequence. Adding those 2 slots would
still leave me 3 short. Other than that, I really don't see the point.
With today's disk architecture, that type of distinction is perhaps
meaningless. Besides, the space is reserved regardless of where it

Richard Schuh 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Wheeler
> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 2:20 PM
> Subject: Re: Adding Spool Volumes
> Richard,
> I allocate the first 1000 cylinders of each of my (3390-9) 
> page volumes as SPOL, then mark it as DUMP space in SYSTEM 
> CONFIG. That would free up your dedicated DUMP volumes, which 
> could be redeployed as spool.
> Best regards,
> Mark L. Wheeler
> IT Infrastructure, 3M Center B224-4N-20, St Paul MN 55144
> Tel:  (651) 733-4355, Fax:  (651) 736-7689 mlwheeler at
> --
> "I have this theory that if one person can go out of their 
> way to show compassion then it will start a chain reaction of 
> the same. People will never know how far a little kindness 
> can go." Rachel Joy Scott
>              "Schuh, Richard"                                 
>              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                
>              Sent by: The IBM                                 
>           To 
>              z/VM Operating            
>              System                                           
>           cc 
>              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                
>              ARK.EDU>                                         
>      Subject 
>                                        Adding Spool Volumes   
>              03/24/2008 04:13                                 
>              PM                                               
>              Please respond to                                
>                The IBM z/VM                                   
>              Operating System                                 
>              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                
>                  ARK.EDU>                                     
> My current CP Owned list looks like this:
> Slots   Use
>  1-10   Spool
> 11-15   Reserved
> 16-17   Dump
> 18-39   Page
>   40    T-Disk
> 41-50   Reserved
> I need to double the spool space for upcoming events (z/TPF 
> dumps). I know that I can use slots 11-15 and 5 slots from 
> the 41-50 range. I would rather keep my Spool space in one 
> range. Would anything break if I changed it so that slots 
> 1-20 are spool and everything else pushed down to higher slot 
> numbers, as below? I know that changing the slot numbers for 
> page is no problem, and I cannot think of a good reason for 
> the system to care about the placement  of T-disk, but what 
> about the Dump? It is a part of Spool, but it gets 
> reallocated at IPL. Is there anything that would break if the 
> dump disks moved from slots 16 and 17 to 31 and 32?
> Slots           Use
>  1-20           Spool
> 21-30           Reserved
> 31-32           Dump
> 33-54           Page
> 55-64           Reserved
>   65            T-disk
> Regards,
> Richard Schuh

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