>>>From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of David Boyes
>>AFAIK, the DIRM satellite support is for CSE configurations, and you
need PVM to activate CSE completely. Did you set up CSE?

We have not seen anything in the manuals that says CSE is a requirement.
We sat through Jay Brenneman (IBM)'s SHARE presentation on CSE.
Coordinated Directory updates are a prereq for CSE not the other way
around.  That's why we think we should be able to do this without CSE.

>>>From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Stracka, James (GTI)
>>>It may have changed but I thought you needed PVM, not RSCS.  

>>>Robert P. Nix          Mayo Foundation
>>>Actually, I think the requirement is RSCS or shared spool. PVM is
required for CSE to implement its features, including shared spool.

The options according to the DIRMAINT File Tailoring and Configuration
guide are for RSCS or Shared Spool.  We are running RSCS between all
three lpars.


What we are seeing is that we can get DIRMAINT and/or DIRMSAT to accept
commands and even act like they are performing updates but when we bring
DIRMAINT up in place of DIRMSAT the directory hasn't changed. 

Paul Feller 
AIT Mainframe Technical Support 

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of David Boyes
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: Question about DirMaint on z/VM 5.3

>  We are trying to run DirMaint under z/VM 5.3 (RSU 0703) in a multi
> (IFL) setup.  We can get DirMaint to properly do updates on one
> but we can't get it to propagate the updates to the other two systems.
> We are trying to do this communicating with RSCS with no shared spool
> shared DASD.  It was our impression from our reading of the manuals
> this type of setup should work.  From what we can see there are no
> messages.

AFAIK, the DIRM satellite support is for CSE configurations, and you
need PVM to activate CSE completely. Did you set up CSE?

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