Fran--As others have said, that's quite a career, especially with one employer. I started with IBM on Mar. 6, 1967 as a Junior Assistant Probationary Trainee Systems Engineer and after the first 3 month class, worked with S/360 mod 30 customers. In 1970, I installed a mod 40 and the customer ran FASTER. I don't believe it was a forerunner of CICS. CICS, I think, was developed by a public utility company in Ohio and FASTER, I think, by the police department in Kansas City. They were contemporaries, I'm pretty sure. We later switched to CICS and used the "FASTER bridge".

I wasn't lucky enough to have just one employer, but I have been blessed by being in this "racket" for over 41 years. Later this summer, I'll retire, at least from full time employment.


Fran Hensler wrote:

In 1968 we installed an IBM System/360 Model 30 computer with 32K core
memory and 14.5M of 2311 disk storage running DOS/360 Release 17.  Now
the 7.5 hour job of sorting course cards took 10 minutes!

Six model 2260 terminals were purchased in 1972 and I designed an
on-line student registration system (using FASTER, a forerunner of CICS)
that is still in use today, under the covers, in the RockTalk system
whereby students can register via telephone or on the web.  For the
first on-line registration that fall, all six terminals were setup in
the Student Union.  It took 3 days to register 5897 students.

/Fran Hensler at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania USA
         [EMAIL PROTECTED]         +1.724.738.2153
        "Yes, Virginia, there is a Slippery Rock"

Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(607) 255-1760

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