On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 5:32 PM, Alan Altmark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Port names are meaningful to z/OS, not Linux or z/VM. It is ok if some are
> using port names and others are not.  If you are using port names, then
> all users must have the same port name.  First one in wins.

Which means - if z/OS LPAR connects to hipersocket first (not using port
name), then z/VM connects next (using port name XYZ), then z/OS guest (which
may be an image copy of z/OS in LPAR) will have to use portname XYZ. Right?

There is also z/VSE guest on the diagram provided in another thread. z/VSE's
stack (at least if it is a CSI stack) can also optionally specify port name
on the DEFINE LINK statement.

AFAIK, there is no way to query the current port name for the real
hipersocket and no way to reset it to nothing. So, to clear this, detach all
connections from the hipersocket, define them all without port name (or with
the same port name if you insist), vary off the hipersocket CHPID from all
LPARs, vary it on to all LPARs and reconnect all stacks.

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