***** cross post to VSE-L and VM-L *****
Hello Lister, here is a piece of information you may want to hear. I have a 
customer loading data from DB2/VM server to z/Linux server. They use the "cross 
loader" method but got very poor performance. I have introduced a difference 
approach to them. Here is their feedback: 
We have had good results with the Data Unload, FTP, and Data Load.  We  
moved 2.5 million records in 22 minutes: the data unload on DB2/VM Server  
took 15 minutes, the FTP transfer took 5 minutes and the Load on DB2 9.5
took 2 minutes.                                                         
I don’t know if these numbers can be improved, but they are much better 
than moving 255,000 records in one hour using the cross loader method.          
Maybe you want to give this approach a try next time if you want to move a lots 
of data from DB2/VSE&VM server to DB2/UBD or DB2/LUW 


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