Bottomless pits, dwarves, and huge fierce green snakes that bar the way, rod with rusty star, pay troll, yellow canary - 1969.

Wumpas was a rewrite in Basic of adventure which was in PL/I.

Adam Thornton wrote:
On Jun 3, 2008, at 4:21 PM, Stephen Frazier wrote:

No, I meant 1970. It was one of the first games that ran on the computer centers TSO system. (It seems like it had another name before it was called TSO but I don't remember it.) Startrek and Football were the others. They all appeared about 1969. I don't remember which was first. Adventure was written in PL/I and Startrek was in Fortran. Football was in another language. (Cobol? or Basic? maybe) I wrote the OU version of adventure in my spare time while working on the help desk. The university version wasn't that much different it just had the names changed and a few new passages added. "You are in an administration building filled with twisty little passages all alike." I left the help desk in 1973 to work for DHS as a programmer.

I will be eternally grateful if anyone can come up with documentation showing Adventure to have bee0n played before 1975. A dated printout of a session transcript would197 be ideal, or even a dated listing showing the file resident on some system.

I'm guessing that what's going on here is conflation of "Adventure" and something sorta-kinda-similar, like "Hunt the Wumpus" (Gregory Yob, Dartmouth BASIC, 1972 or earlier)--it had definitely migrated to "mainframes" by 1972 according to Wikipedia and was first published in 1973, so I would not be surprised if *it* were around in 1970. Bottomless pits, bats, and dodecahedrons? Wumpus. Bottomless pits, dwarves, and huge fierce green snakes that bar the way? Adventure.


Stephen Frazier
Information Technology Unit
Oklahoma Department of Corrections
3400 Martin Luther King
Oklahoma City, Ok, 73111-4298
Tel.: (405) 425-2549
Fax: (405) 425-2554
Pager: (405) 690-1828

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