I thought the "eofreport" subcommand was created to catch end of file
on output?  Or is there a reason not to use that?  I've used this
skeleton written by Steve Hayes as a starting point to create simple
filters for quite awhile:

/* NULL REXX: Skeleton stage that does not delay the record           */
/* Steve Hayes                                             1997-03-20 */
trace o                                  /* in case of stall          */
signal on novalue                        /* No uninitialised varibles */
signal on failure                        /* Allow RC > 0 for a moment */
'MAXSTREAM INPUT'                        /* Check only one stream     */
signal on error                          /* now stop for any error    */
if RC <> 0 then 'ISSUEMSG 264 PIPSJH'    /* too many streams: crash   */
'EOFREPORT ALL'                          /* propagate EoF back        */
do forever                               /* until EOF                 */
  'PEEKTO record'                        /* read from primary input   */
  'OUTPUT' record                        /* write to primary output   */
  'READTO'                               /* release input             */
end                                      /* next record               */
exit (RC * (RC <> 12 & RC <> 8))         /* RC = 0 if EOF             */

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 3:38 PM, Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Kris Buelens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 'STREAMSTATE INPUT' should not be required here...
> In most cases the suitable approach is to use
> signal on error
> do forever
>   peekto
>   .. process..
>   readto
>   streamstate output
> end
> error: return rc * ( rc <> 12 )
> The 'streamstate output' is something that I recently started to
> ensure backward propagation of eof into the stage (when the pipeline
> on my output has terminated, this also terminates the rexx stage).

Bruce Hayden
Linux on System z Advanced Technical Support
IBM, Endicott, NY

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