When experimenting with encrypting backups, I used PIPEDDR to write PACKE
versions of the data to a CMS minidisk. These are RECFM F LRECL 1024 and 
be ftped to Linux and back as binary files, forcing the RECFM/LRECL on
return. PIPEDDR can then be used to read these files and restore your DAS

I also tried the CKDSVRST program from the IBM Downloads page, but that
required the extra COPYFILE (PACK step, again reading/writing the data mo
than necessary. 

Have you thought about using Linux tools (dd ?) to read/write your DASD?

/Tom Kern
/U.S. Dept of Energy

On Tue, 17 Jun 2008 11:42:13 -0400, Michael Coffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

>(Cross-posted on VMESA-L and LINUX-390)
>Hi Folks,
>I want to eliminate use of tapes in my weekly DR process.  Currently we
>DDR numerous 3390 spindles to 3590 tape cartridges.
>I have set up a Linux server at our DR site with a ton of free disk
>space, but the question becomes what is the best method to get images of

>our DASD stored on it?
>I've modified our procedures to use DDR2CMS to create CMS files
>representing the 3390 DASD images, which are then FTP'd to the Linux
>server - but the process is VERY inefficient:
>1.     DDR2CMS produces RECFM=V files which are unsuitable for FTP
>(I've NEVER had any luck successfully FTP'ing RECFM=V files to a non-C
>environment and getting them back in the correct format later), so I
>have to COPYFILE (PACK the output from DDR2CMS.   DDR2CMS takes around
>47 minutes/spindle, and the COPYFILE takes around 38 minutes - the FTP
>only takes around 17 minutes!  So we are really wasting nearly 90
>minutes/spindle just prepping the data to be transmitted.
>2.     The output from DDR2CMS for a 3390-3 spindle may actually be
>LARGER than a 3390-3 spindle (even using COMPACT), so we need to use
>3390-9 spindles as "work space", something I'm not fond of doing (as a
>general rule we don't use 3390-9's at this site, but I configured a
>string of them just for this purpose).
>There is a great tool on the VM download page called PIPEDDR which
>basically does what DDR2CMS does using PIPE TRACKREAD - and it can write

>the output to a TCPIP stage.  This is exactly what I'm looking for, with

>ONE important difference - PIPEDDR only talks to a remote VM/CMS system
>running PIPEDDR to receive the output, I need to be able to PIPE the
>output to a remote Linux storage server.
>Can anyone recommend a nice client that can run on Linux and listen on a

>TCPIP port, accept some authorization credentials and host commands
>(i.e. MKDIR, CD to dir, etc.) and receive/write to disk a stream of data

>similar to what PIPEDDR might write to it's TCPIP stage?  I could then
>skip creating the DDR2CMS file and COPYFILE (PACKing it, writing
>"indirectly" to the Linux server.  I'd rather not reinvent the wheel if
>there's already something out there.  :)
>PS:  It would be sweet if there were just a way to mount a remote EXT3
>filesystem somehow on CMS, but it looks like the only way to do this is
>with NFS, which is a problem because it is considered an "unsafe
>protocol".  :(

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