On Jun 19, 2008, at 9:00 AM, Phil Smith III wrote:

Dave_de_Noronha wrote:
I am trying to download the SWAPGEN EXEC from the Sine Nomine website and cannot get it in a format we can use. I do not understand why it is in Mailable format. Can anyone please tell me how to do it or, if possible
send me the code

What problem are you having? The point of MAILABLE is to package multiple files, preserve timestamps, and be easy to extract without requiring extra tools (such as VMARC). I'm always interested in understanding what pitfalls await...

Well, last time it was a difference between PC and Unix line endings.

I'm very tempted to go back to VMARC and say "download as binary, reblock to FIX 80, unpack with VMARC. Go get VMARC if you don't have it," because we didn't have these problems reported before we went to MAILABLE for the download. But there's a lot of confusion with MAILABLE.


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