The VM community shared a lot more code before people started worrying ab
licensing. I don't remember anyone making money off of the Waterloo Mods.

/Tom Kern

On Fri, 20 Jun 2008 13:27:35 -0500, McKown, John
>Yeah, but WHICH LICENSE? There are a LOT of them. And the rights granted

>and responsibilities required can vary greatly. For true community
>software, I am a GPL bigot. It forces anyone who modifies the code AND
>DISTRIBUTES IT to make the changes public so that everybody can benefit
>from them and extend it futher. It does not force a person who modifies
>the code, but does not distribute it to make his personal changes
>available. However, companies tend to like the ones which allow them to
>take the code, modify it, distribute the modified binary (usually for a
>fee) and not disclose their changes. I.e. it lets companies "modify and
>monitize" the original source, without giving much of anything back.
>John McKown
>Senior Systems Programmer
>Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
>Administrative Services Group
>Information Technology

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