You did it how I was trying to say do it, although obviously I did not
say it very well..

But oh my...  
"the network group neglected to tell me that ping is restricted on this
That sure leaves one beating ones ahead on the wall for a while.  Do
they not like you :)?

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-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Burch, Aubrey Dennis CIV DISA GS4B
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [IBMVM] Native VLAN for VSWITCH

Marcy, On 5.2, if you specify a VLAN on the SET VSWITCH GRANT command
you'll get a error message saying you cannot connect to a VLAN-UNAWARE
VSWITCH (it's unaware if you do *not* specify a VLAN on the DEF VSWITCH

Now, as it turns out, I believe I had the correct definitions originally
and the connection is working for using NATIVE VLAN 499 and attaching
the TCPIP stack to VLAN 389. They were:


Or at least I think it's working - the problem is that although I was
given the config info, the network group neglected to tell me that ping
is restricted on this VLAN (not so on my other VM networks), and
furthermore all ports were blocked by default until I provide a separate
request for port access in/out from the stack. So it's no surprise I
could do nothing other than ping the gateway interface..

Denny Burch

z/VM and z/LINUX Systems
DISA DECC Mechanicsburg
717 605-1181
(dsn) 430-1181


-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Marcy Cortes
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 13:10
Subject: Re: Native VLAN for VSWITCH

>From what I understand on 5.2, yes, you can't have a different default
than a native.
But, can't you just not use a default?  Just specify it on the set
vswitch grant command?

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-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Burch, Aubrey Dennis CIV DISA GS4B
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: [IBMVM] Native VLAN for VSWITCH

Thank you for the response, Dick. (and Tracy as well) I did peruse
recent threads discussing VLANs including yours, but my requirement
regarding the use of a specific NATIVE VLAN presents a different problem
from what I saw in your definitions, especially considering that you are
using z/VM 5.3, if I recall correctly. (I'm using z/VM 5.2)

Tracy Adams of IBM replied about the same time as you, and if I
interpret her response correctly I cannot support a  different
default_VLAN (389) and NATIVE_VLAN (499) on a VSWITCH in 5.2.  I will go
back to the network group to discuss  the VLAN config and see what my
options are.

Denny Burch 

z/VM and z/LINUX Systems
DISA DECC Mechanicsburg
717 605-1181
(dsn) 430-1181


-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Richard Clapper
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 12:27
Subject: Re: Native VLAN for VSWITCH

Hi Denny,

Since I didn't see any other responses to you, I'll respond with my
newly gained perspective on VLAN-aware VSWITCHs.  You may want to read
my thread "VSWITCH VLAN-aware not connecting" starting in May 2008, and
continuing into June.  I think the definitions you've given us look
correct, based on what I know.  But as you see from the other thread, my
connections still aren't working either.  I wonder if you are
experiencing the same thing I am.

Do this.  Take some VM TRSOURCE traces.  Here's the commands I'm using:
     trso id trc1 type lan owner system lanname vsw20x vlan 304 (define
the trace)
     trso disp   (just to see that it is there)
     trso en id trc1     (enable the trace)
Do a simple PING from your PC
     trso disa id trc1     ("stop" the trace)

Then, the trace records should be in a TRF file in the spool.
     q trf *     (to get the spoolid number)
     tracered -spoolid- cms trc1 trace (all

     acc 592 t     (TCPAMAINTs 592 disk)
     ipformat trc1 trace

Look at the records in the IPFORMAT trace.  Mine show that the "ping"
(i.e. an ECHO) are actually coming from my PC into VM, into my Linux
guest, and the ECHO REPLY is coming all the way back out.  But, similar
to you, it's not getting out to the real network switch somehow.  IBM
hasn't been able to tell me why it's not getting out, yet.

     trso drop id trc1
     q trf *

I'll be eager to hear of your progress.

Dick Clapper
Systems Programmer
FirstBank Data Corporation

>>> "Burch, Aubrey Dennis CIV DISA GS4B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> 6/24/2008 1:44 PM >>>
Hello All

I'm attempting to connect a TCPIP stack and some LINUX guests to a
VSWITCH using 802.1Q trunking, and the network administrator sent me the
following VLAN info as he configured it on the real switch:

"Attached are the IP addresses you requested.  I will put the trunk in
place on core switch 2 tonight.  I will trunk VLANs 390, 391, 393 and
389(new vlan for this project).  I will use a native vlan of 499.  Will
that work for you?"

I tentatively told him I thought it was OK, but I have not found a way
to successfully configure the NATIVE VLAN (I *think* that's the
problem). It appears there is a way to do this with the NATIVE option on
the DEF VSWITCH command on z/VM 5.3, but I am at 5.2. 

If I issue the following:

That combination allows me to ping the gateway on his switch, but I can
go no further out. I cannot get to my TCPIP stack  from outside the
network either, as I expected.  I have tried several permutations of
VLAN identifiers on the DEF VSWITCH command, and the only way to reach
the gateway is to use VLAN 499 or VLAN 1. 

I have left VLAN 389 on the SET VSWITCH VSW1 GRANT command for TCPIP for
each attempt, as they requested the hosts go on  VLAN 389.

Before I go back to the network guys, does anyone know of a way to
accommodate (on 5.2) the NATIVE VLAN configuration the network guy
specified above?

Denny Burch

z/VM and z/LINUX Systems
DISA DECC Mechanicsburg
717 605-1181
(dsn) 430-1181


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