Does the ACCT field have the WRITE password for the disk? That is a
requirement in VM. Also, since 191 is the default, you might need to
issue a CD 192 to access the disk.

David Wakser

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Gentry, Stephen
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: ftpserve

ESM is VM:Secure.  I am able to logon to FTPSERVE and issue the LINK
from the command line and it works.  Just for funnies I also added a
LINK statement in the user direct of FTPSERVE pointing to the mdisk on
Still Permission denied.

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mike Harding
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: ftpserve

Some observations:
 - If your ESM is controlling links, the minidisk passwords are ignored.

If it isn't, then you might try a password of "ALL" rather than "ANY"; 
there's nothing special about "ANY".
- Check your ESM (you don't specify what it is) docs for the proper 
DTCPARMS entries for ftpserve, they vary between ESMs (and, slightly,
zVM releases).
- Check your ESM rules/permissions for the disk.  When properly set up
use an ESM, ftpserve attempts to link to target minidisks as the user 
logged into the session.  It is possible to define a minidisk to an ESM 
such that it can't be linked even by the owner.  What happens if SRG 
detaches its 192 while logged on, then attempts to re-link it? (The 
process invoked to create your virtual machine when you logon bypasses
ESM for directory-defined minidisks.)

I'm trying to set up a user and have their 192 minidisk be there default
working directory.  I've coded the CHKIPADR.EXEC to look for the
specific userid(SRG) and if a match, QUEUE 'SRG 192'  I've change the
mdisk passwords to ANY for all accesses.  We have an ESM and I have
coded the appropriate commands to allow FTPSERVE to link to the SRG 192
I am able to logon but get the following messages:
230-SRG logged in; no working directory defined.
230-Permission denied to LINK to SRG 192
I don't know what I'm missing to make the LINK.
Who is actually issuing the LINK?  FTPSERVE?
Any suggestions?

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