Gentry, Stephen wrote:
I find the man pages marginal as far as helping.  Sometimes (small
percentage of the time) they provide the info that I need. Most of the
time, I'm still left wondering.  Examples would help immensely.
The man pages in Unix tend to be precise, concise and complete, but do not
offer tutorials. "RTFM" is an acronym of the Unix world and was invented
for a reason. It's how we all learned. Try man sh ... you'll be there a week :-)

PS Last month I tried to sell O'Reilly on Yet Another Unix Book targeted
at z-Hacks but they said the audience was too small.

On a more positive note, the Pigiron <> code is working nicely. I just have to
implement the rest of the z/VM 5.3 SMAPI functions and their parameter
types ... takes about 1/2 hour each function ... may switch to autogenerating
the functions and params by m4 (another Unix neat feature) macros.

Jack J. Woehr            # "Self-delusion is #  half the battle!" #  - Zippy the Pinhead

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