On Thu, 21 Aug 2008 09:57:22 -0700, Schuh, Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrot

>I have been unable to come up with the magic search argument to get this

>list to spit out the answer to the question, "What is the total GB of
>virtual storage, the sum of the VM sizes, can z/VM 5.2 handle without
>running into the dreaded 2GB line constraint?", so I will ask the list.
>What is it? 
>Richard Schuh 

The answer is, of course, the trademarked "it depends".  There are severa
different forms of the constraint, and all are dependent on workload.  Ev
something as apparently unrelated as how dense or sparse the guests' stor
reference patterns tend to be can greatly influence the degree to which t
constraint will be an issue for a given total virtual storage size.  I'm 
sure if we even have typical or average numbers, but I can ask around. 

- Bill Holder, z/VM Development, IBM

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