> On Monday, 09/22/2008 at 02:10 EDT, gah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In text mode (also called ASCII mode) the form on the TCP
> > stream is CRLF terminated.  It is the responsibility of
> > both client and server to convert from native text form
> > to that form.

(Haven't read the RFC for a while,
but this is not something they would likely have taken out.)
Internet "plain text" is ASCII (or a superset thereof) with CR/LF.

On Mon, 22 Sep 2008, Alan Altmark wrote:
> I'm not sure what you're getting at, Glen, but it has been alleged that
> some systems do NOT convert LF to CRLF on ASCII/TEXT mode transmissions.
> Looking at Debian's ftp client and vsftpd, it would appear they do the
> right thing, but it would be great if a few folks would try various
> clients and servers and confirm the behavior.

Some servers (clients too?) do in fact NOT behave well in this regard.

> The z/VM FTP client and server both look for CRLF to delimit the records.
> The file format (F or V) is not relevant except that it affects the
> maximum length of a record in a text transmission.

And this has been VM TCP/IP's behaviour for lo these many years.
There is no bug.

When I find myself writing code to handle "plain text",
I employ the internet rule of being liberal about what you accept
and conservative about what you send.  So I always put CR/LF on the
wire but tolerate lack of CR for "plain text" that I get.  This is
terribly easy in Pipelines where I can split at LF and then discard
any trailing CR.  But if there is no trailing CR, then the pipeline
does not care, and in the end I always get correct plain text.
(PAD with one blank minimum for CMS files.)

-- R;   <><

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